Saturday, March 13, 2021

Santa Cruz Changes - 5: Chinatown arch


The pedestrian bridge crossing the San Lorenzo River at San Lorenzo Park was built in 1963 as part of the San Lorenzo Park Project redevelopment - as was everything near either end of the bridge. One of the things that went away during redevelopment near the west (downtown) end of the bridge was the last Santa Cruz Chinatown.

A group of local history activists worked to ensure that the vanished Chinatown was not forgotten. The first step was to persuade the City Council to rename the footbridge "Chinatown Bridge" in 2019. Then, in 2020, a commemorative arch was designed, constructed, and installed at the west end of the bridge - overlooking the former Chinatown location.

The Coastal Watershed Council supported the project, and director Greg Pepping wrote this article about it, which included the photo at right. Supporter George Ow, Jr., who grew up in the Santa Cruz Chinatown, is seen standing under the new arch.

Good Times magazine ran this article about the project.  

Locations in the Santa Cruz Changes blog can be found on this Google Map.