Sunday, June 13, 2021

Santa Cruz Changes - 17: RIP Aptos Coffee Roasters

One more older coffee story deserves mention. In 2018, after 30 years in the Rancho del Mar shopping center, Aptos Coffee Roasters closed its doors forever. This photo was taken just as the remodel was beginning, with the Aptos Coffee decals still on the door glass. 

Since 2020, the remodeled space has been home to Wonderland Toys & Classroom Resources, which moved a couple of miles from its former location in Capitola.

The closing was a sad day for many coffee lovers in that area, but just one part of the major Aptos changes that have happened in the past five years or so. There will be more to say here on that subject later.

Thankfully, the downtown Santa Cruz retail location of Santa Cruz Coffee Roasters seems to have survived COVID. All the new apartments being built nearby should mean an increasing stream of customers for all of the downtown caffeine providers.

Locations in the Santa Cruz Changes blog can be found on this Google Map.