Saturday, July 10, 2021

Santa Cruz Changes - 21: Pacific Station South


Santa Cruz Changes post #4 looked at the big redevelopment project now underway at the Pacific-Laurel-Front site. Another not-as-big project will soon begin just to the north of that one, along the south side of Maple Alley. Its current project name is Pacific Station South. 

The proposed mixed-use building will have below-market-rate apartments on the upper levels.

The Pipeline smoke shop, which used to be flanked by the Haber's building on the south and Tampico Kitchen restaurant on the north, now stands all alone awaiting its fate. For reference, its location is about where a red car is shown emerging from a garage onto Pacific Ave. at middle-right in the design rendering above. The near corner of the building in the rendering is where Tampico Kitchen used to sit.

Tampico Kitchen closed in 2016 after 24 years at that location, and no new restaurant ever took over the space. Then the empty building was damaged by a fire, and sat boarded-up until the developer DEVCON bought the site in 2017 and tore the building down. 

Now combined with other parcels, Pacific Station South will run the entire one-block length block of Maple Alley from Pacific to Front.