Saturday, January 8, 2022

Santa Cruz Changes: 44 - Live Oak Crossing


Returning to the Live Oak area to begin 2022, after a two-week holiday break, Changes looks at the corner of Capitola Road and 17th Avenue. An apartment development named "Live Oak Crossing", completed in 2019, now fills that corner where an empty lot sat behind chain-link fences for many years. 

The 2017 view from Capitola Road (above right), did not add to the charm of this central Live Oak intersection. 

The unusual up-sweeping roof design of the new apartment buildings (left) has had its share of detractors. Also, in a reversal of program from earlier decades, the apartments' large parking lot is hidden behind the street-fronting buildings. While it arguably creates a more attractive view for passing motorists, residents would probably prefer a parking lot located between their homes and the street, giving them some buffer from the traffic noise at this busy intersection.

Santa Cruz Changes locations can be found on this Google Map.