Saturday, May 4, 2024

Santa Cruz Changes 89: Dolphin's Demise?


City plans to remodel the Santa Cruz Wharf have been in the news repeatedly, and a clear picture of what that will look like has yet to emerge. 

One change, however, is definite: the building that has housed The Dolphin restaurant will soon be demolished. An article in Lookout Santa Cruz has more details.

Damage sustained to wharf supports in December 2023 storms can't be repaired with the current building remaining in place. Demolition of the restaurant building, which is owned by the city, is expected to begin soon, and wharf structural repairs will follow.

What happens after that on the far end of the wharf is very much up in the air. Will The Dolphin return? To find out, we'll have to wait for a final version of the Santa Cruz Wharf Master Plan.