Saturday, January 31, 2015

A Milestone of Sorts

The work of updating and re-posting the articles from the defunct Santa Cruz Patch blog continues, with light now at the end of the tunnel (fewer than 10 remain un-updated). Page "40 - Approaching the Gilded Age: Santa Cruz Enters the 1880s" is a survey of the 1880s, preparatory to beginning exploration of specific subjects in that decade. Articles out of historical order are updated and transferred to pages, but not numbered (see the Table of Contents).

Friday, January 16, 2015

Slide 17 added to Prezi

Slide 17, just added to the expanded Prezi slide show on the "Bird’s Eye View of Santa Cruz, 1870", shows a few of the ships included near the powder wharf in the lithograph view. In particular, the one "steamer" shown might be an actual ship active in the 1870 coastal trade. See the Slide 17 notes for more, on the notes page.