Note: The numbered posts are a more-or-less sequential and chronological survey of Santa Cruz County history, while un-numbered entries are either digressions or wider-time range subjects. All pages prior to May 21, 2015 appeared originally in Santa Cruz Patch, and are listed in order of their original publication dates.
June 4, 2016 - Santa Cruz electricity timeline
March 14, 2016 - 45a - The Italians
December 4, 2015 - Santa Cruz Water System Timeline
September 17, 2015 - 11a - Pioneer German-Speakers of Santa Cruz County
June 13, 2015 - 52 - 1888 "Birds Eye" View of Santa Cruz
May 21, 2015 - 51 - Downtown expanded south in the 1880s
January, 2014 - 50 - Beach Hill: 1870-99 (updated Mar. 17, 2015)
Dec. 14, 2013 - 49 - The Rise and Fall of Swanton House: 1883-87 (updated Mar. 12, 2015)
Nov. 3, 2013 - 48 - Santa Cruz in 1882: Water Street gets a New Bridge (updated Mar. 10, 2015)
Oct. 2, 2013 - 47 - Santa Cruz gets an Octagon: downtown in the early 1880s (updated Feb. 28, 2015)
46 - 1877 Santa Cruz birds eye view (updated Feb. 26, 2015)
July 3, 2014 - 45 - 1876 Santa Cruz Painting Shows Many Changes (updated Feb. 21, 2015)
A large oil painting called View of Santa Cruz, 1876, shows changes since the first city-wide view of 1870.
June 2 - America’s Least Favorite Architectural Style? Brutal!
late 1960s saw the construction of the Santa Cruz County Government
Center, in an architectural style called "brutalism" [this post was out of the historical sequence]
June 2 - 44 - Remembering (some of) the Presidents in Santa Cruz (updated Feb. 16, 2015)
names are (or used to be) a common way for cities to memorialize
notable persons. It's interesting to note which past US presidents are
remembered in Santa Cruz.
May 8 - 43 - Petroleum in Santa Cruz County: Then and Now (updated Feb. 13, 2015)
Though rarely a local issue now, petroleum has a long and interesting history in Santa Cruz County.
May 8 - A "Bird's Eye" View of Santa Cruz in 1870
This article has been superseded by a Prezi presentation and
accompanying notes.
Mar. 8 - 42 - Go, Team, Go: The First Team Sport in Santa Cruz, ca. 1880 (updated Feb. 3, 2015)
Feb. 19 - 41 - Southern Pacific Took Over Santa Cruz County Railroads in the 1880s (updated Jan. 30, 2015)
Jan. 27, 2013 - 40 - Approaching the Gilded Age: Santa Cruz in the 1880s (updated Jan 27, 2015)
Dec. 18 - 39 - What's in a Name? Adventures in Spelling (updated Jan. 24, 2015)
Dec. 12 - 38 - End of the Line: Last Stagecoach to Santa Cruz (updated Jan, 23, 2015)
Nov. 15 - 37 - How the Trains Came to Santa Cruz - Part 4 (updated Jan, 18, 2015)
Oct. 28 - 36 - Bridges to Somewhere: Eastside Santa Cruz in the 1870s (updated Jan, 17, 2015)
Sep. 8 - 35 - Gentrification: Downtown in the 1870s (updated Jan. 1, 2015)
Aug. 8 - 34 - Santa Cruz Looks Back - From 1879 (updated Dec. 31, 2014)
Jul. 19 - 33 - When Santa Cruz Had Four Wharfs (updated Jan. 8, 2015)
Jun. 26 - 32 - Santa Cruz Once Had a Chinatown (updated Dec. 27, 2014)
Jun. 11 - 31 - Paris on the San Lorenzo: Santa Cruz in the 1870s (updated Dec. 26, 2014)
May 26 - 30 - How the Town Became a City: Santa Cruz, 1876 (updated Dec. 20, 2014)
May 8 - Holy Cross Vandalism Damages Historical Relic (updated Dec. 13, 2014)
May 1 - 29 - How the Trains came to Santa Cruz - Part 3 (updated Dec. 12, 2014)
Apr. 20 - 28 - How the Trains Came to Santa Cruz - Part 2 (updated Dec. 10, 2014)
Apr. 9 - 27 - How the Trains Came to Santa Cruz - part 1 (updated Dec. 8, 2014)
Mar. 22 - 26 - The Quiet Years (updated Dec. 7, 2014)
Names on the Signs in Santa Cruz blog (2012):
Names on the Signs in Santa Cruz blog (2011):
- Dec. 13 - 20 – The River (updated Nov. 27, 2014)
- Dec. 6 - 19 - Return of the Limeburners (updated Nov 26, 2014)
- Nov. 26 - 18 - Civil War (updated Nov 25, 2014)
- Nov. 18 - 17 - Antebellum (updated Nov. 14, 2014)
- Nov. 12 - 16 - Lime and Wine (updated Nov. 12, 2014)
- Nov. 4 - 15 - Uptown and Downtown (updated November 6, 2014)
- Oct. 28 - 14 - Around the New County (updated October 18, 2014)
- Oct. 19 - 13 - The County (updated October 18, 2014)
- Oct. 13 - 12 - Mills and Tanneries (updated October 9, 2014)
- Oct. 6 - 11 - The Gold Rush (updated September 1, 2014)
- Sep. 30 - 10 - The Territory (updated August 31, 2014)
- Sep. 21 - 9 - Before La Bahia (updated August 29, 2014)
- Sep. 15 - 8 - The Bear Flag (updated August 29, 2014)
- Sep. 8 - 7 - The Frontiersmen (updated August 26, 2014)
- Aug. 30 - 6 - The Sailors (updated August 24, 2014)
- Aug. 24 - 5 - The Ranchos (updated August 23, 2014)
- Aug. 16 - 4 - Branciforte (updated August 18, 2014)
- Aug. 7 - 3 - The Missionaries (updated August 11, 2014)
- Jul. 29 - 2 - The Explorers (updated August 3, 2014)
- Jul. 20 - 1 - The Ohlone (updated July 29, 2014)