Saturday, June 26, 2021

Santa Cruz Changes - 19: Coming to Water Street?


As promised last week, we're moving up the hill on Water Street to the corner of Water and Branciforte, where a developer proposes a six-story multi-use building at 831 Water Street. We can follow the process on the City of Santa Cruz website, which posts documents filed relating to large project proposals. 

The two images at right are copied from the developer's "Concept Plan" package. The upper image is a photo of the corner as it looks now, while the lower image is a computer rendering of the finished project. 

It's not hard to envision a re-development that would improve on what's there now. The proposed structure, however, is a massive change that will be strenuously opposed by many of its residential neighbors. Several years of permit applications, presentations, and public meetings lie ahead, so we won't know for some time how this turns out. Updates here to follow...

Santa Cruz Changes locations can be found on this Google Map.