Saturday, June 8, 2024

Santa Cruz Changes 93: City Seeks Public Input on South of Laurel Plan

The City of Santa Cruz Planning and Community Development Dept. is moving along on potential rezoning to promote its South of Laurel redevelopment vision (Downtown Plan Expansion). 

As reported last August in Santa Cruz Changes #67, the plan aims to facilitate some big changes to the area surrounding the Kaiser Permanente Arena. 

The overhead view above-right shows the project study area outlined in red. Laurel Street is the top limit line. KP Arena is the large white rectangle near the river at upper right. The Depot Park soccer fields are the green area at far left, outside the red boundary line. 

The City is now asking for public review and comment on the latest version of the plan. From the project website:

"Public comments are welcome on the Downtown Plan Expansion from May 31 to July 10, 2024.

The plan consists of two equally important parts: a New Appendix 8 for the Downtown Plan. Proposed amendments to the existing Downtown Plan, Chapter 4, Development Standards and Design Guidelines.

The two pieces work together to create the public and private spaces that will evolve over the coming decades within this neighborhood. Comments welcome via email to Senior Planner Sarah Neuse."