Saturday, December 4, 2021

Santa Cruz Changes: 41 - Calypso

Here's another big rental-housing project that's currently in the City of Santa Cruz planning pipeline, at 130 Center Street - across from the Washington Street corner of Depot Park. Odd naming aside (Calypso?), it's another Swenson project, similar (but much taller) to the Swenson rebuild of the St. George Hotel. Like the St. George, all of the apartments will be single room occupancy (SRO). Unlike the St. George, these 233 studios will come in three distinct sizes. The U-shaped building will surround a central courtyard, elevated one floor above street level. 

The elevation view above is from Center Street. The neo-Spanish styling is similar to the condos on Pacific Avenue, which can be seen in the background at right in the current view from the same direction (shown below).

The project will replace two auto-related businesses: Chris Bordner Auto Body, and the Hertz rental lot. Another business in this row, Scott's Body Shop (visible at far left above), is not included in this project, and will remain between the apartments and the Blackburn House apartments. 

Santa Cruz Changes locations can be found on this Google Map.