Saturday, December 11, 2021

Santa Cruz Changes: 42 - Kaiser Medical Offices

Moving out of the City of Santa Cruz into the Live Oak area, Kaiser Permanente has applied to Santa Cruz County for permits to build a medical office building at 5940 Soquel Avenue. 

This stretch of Soquel Avenue, between 17th and 41st Avenues, is a frontage road on the south side of the Highway 1 freeway. Looking at the photo (above right) of the current uses there, it's hard to imagine a transformation to what's shown in the design rendering (below right).  

Looking at a somewhat similar existing development two parcels to the west (left) is the nearest comparable site. The Kaiser building, however, like most current development proposals, is twice as tall. 

The project is still in the planning approval process. Here's an excerpt from the planning staff description: "The proposed project would be comprised of a new four-story medical office building measuring approximately 60 feet in height to finished roof and approximately 74 feet to top of mechanical screens on the rooftop. The proposed building would provide approximately 160,000 gross square feet of medical office use for specialty outpatient services. The expected number of on-site staff, at peak, would be approximately 300 persons.
    The proposed project would also include the construction of a four-story parking garage across an internal roadway west of the proposed medical office building. It would accommodate five levels of parking, with 730 new vehicle parking spaces." 

Santa Cruz Changes locations can be found on this Google Map.