Saturday, August 10, 2024

Santa Cruz Changes 98: 831 Almar

The previous post concerned the proposed development at 850 Almar, in the empty triangular lot formed by Almar Avenue, Rankin Street, and the Monterey Bay Sanctuary Scenic Trail - aka "the rail trail". Across Almar is the site of another proposed development, at 831 Almar. The view above looks at the site from where the rail trail crosses Almar. 

The development proposal, by the local firm called Workbench, began the approval process sooner than 850 Almar, but will probably take longer, because it's larger, mixed-use, and the apartments will not be 100% affordable. The rendering below looks at the development from Almar Avenue, with a bit of the rail trail seen at far left. We'll compare and contrast these two proposals later, as they move through the approvals process. Note that, because of recent state legislation, the process will be much quicker than in the past.