Sunday, August 18, 2024

Santa Cruz Changes 99: Progress Report

During the past three years, this blog has reported on a lot of development projects involving large new buildings. It's August, a time of year when projects that are going to break ground this year have already done so. So which ones are completed, which are under construction, and which have not started? Here are the first 50 - remainder to come next week.


  • Pacific-Laurel-Front (Changes 4, March 6, 2021). All of the construction fencing was removed a few weeks ago, and the on-site leasing office is open.
  • 1547 Pacific Avenue (Changes 6, March 22, 2021). Opened in 2021; still no tenants in any of the street-level retail spaces.
  • Delaware Addition (Changes 7, March 27, 2021). The two commercial buildings and one apartment building in the back have been completed. What in 2021 looked like the beginning of construction on a larger residential development proposed for the west side of Panetta Lane was apparently just a staging area for the other buildings. That large still-fenced lot now shows no activity, and city records show no active permit application. 
  • 350 Ocean Street (Changes 13, May 16, 2021). Completed in 2021.
  • Water Street Apartments (Changes 18, June 20, 2021). Completed in 2021.
  • Beach Street (Changes 35, October 23, 2021). The Marea Sol hotel opened this year.
  • Not Quite Beach Street (Changes 36, October 30, 2021). The Courtyard hotel on Riverside Ave. opened in 2022. La Quinta hotel on Second Street opened in 2023.
  • 1500 Capitola Road (Changes 43, December 18, 2021), Completed in 2022.
  • Aptos library (Changes 45, January 15, 2022). Opened in 2024.
  • 530 Center Street Mixed-Use (Changes 50, June 18, 2022). Just opened.

Under Construction:
Not started:
  • 831 Water Street (Changes 19, June 26, 2021). No activity on permit application since 2021.
  • 324 Front Street (Cruz Hotel, Changes 40, November 27, 2021). Still in the planning permit process. Revised plans were submitted in 2023.
  • 130 Center Street (Changes 41, December 4, 2021). The Calypso apartments project was approved by the City Council in January, 2022. An application for a 6-month permit to use the property temporarily as a parking lot was approved on July 31.
An update on changes in downtown retail tenant changes will follow, sometime later this year.